Friday, May 11, 2012

This and That

I just wanted to take as minute to tell you a little about myself.  I am a 39 year old mother of four, wife to one and Lover of Jesus.  ;)  We live a crazy and full life in this house.  We are blessed beyond measure.  After hearing my story, people often ask me how I can feel that we are blessed.  I hope that you will learn that for yourself as you read posts here.  I have the 100% belief that God is author of my life.  So how can he be wrong?  He already knew my story when I was created.  On these pages I hope to share a little of that.  We have had our ups and our downs, but through it all we have found pure joy.  This is a gift!  You will quickly learn that along with the trials, there is a lot of comedy in our home.  Please try to stop back in often.  I am a little random in thought, so I am sure this blog will be also.  You  never know what you might hear that day.  I hope you will visit my small corner of the world again soon!